Exercises to Combat Stress While Studying

Students spend a large amount of their day sitting in classrooms, listening to teachers, taking notes, doodling or simply zoning out. The amount of information they receive every two hours varies from subject to subject, from teacher to teacher and from student to student. A combination of factors affects the learner and plays a critical […]

How Technology Is Changing the World’s Relationship with Drugs & Alcohol

How Technology Is Changing the World’s Relationship with Drugs and Alcohol Millions of Americans are vowing to put down their phones for 2018. Kim Kardashian even tweeted from hers that it’s one of her New Year’s resolutions. While there should be designated phone-free times, some of the benefits to those struggling with or questioning their […]

Where Do We Go From Here? Self-Care in the Wake of Trauma

In the last blog, I wrote about how we are effected by trauma and grief, and the different ways people experience trauma. Today I will be focusing on self-care, why it is important, and some different ways to take care of yourself.  HOW DO I TAKE CARE OF MYSELF?  Great question! There are many ways […]

Are You Okay?

ARE YOU OKAY? This is how Kevin Hines starts his talks when he is speaking on his jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge. Although this blog is not about being suicidal, it is about how do we take care of ourselves and each other in the toughest of times. The lasting effects of the 58 […]

Mona’s Education Corner

While January begins with celebration, joy, goals and resolutions for the new year, students are expected to return to school and dive into an intensive schedule to wrap up the first semester of their academic life and end the month with final exams. During this month, students face a heavy load of academic assignments, innumerous […]

What Can A Therapist Do For You?

“An unexamined life is not worth living.” – Socrates Have you ever truly taken inventory of your life? Have you looked at what is and isn’t working? Who presents challenges for you? Is it a co-worker, spouse, child, friend, or neighbor? Maybe it’s a pet! In considering what isn’t working, where is there room for […]

The Importance of Parent Involvement

“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” -Benjamin Franklin I often tell parents to imagine their family as if it were a beautiful car -their dream car, the one that they’ve always wanted. In the beginning, they were totally in love. It looked beautiful and ran great. […]